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& undefiled before our Creator is this, to visit the

in their affliction. James 1:27

Fatherless & Widows


Increasing awareness of the biblical importance of caring for fatherless and widows.


Creating alliances to effectively care for fatherless and widows in their needs.


Honor our Elders


Pray, listen, respond in love

O U R  M A I N  G O A L

To love our Heavenly Father and love our neighbor as ourselves. We have a priority to serve fatherless and widows as we are instructed.


Note: Fatherless and Widows are so special to His heart that He instructed a tithe for fatherless and widows every 3rd year. Deut. 26:12


For those who think that tithing was from the Mosaic Law and done away with, please know that Abraham (Long before Mosaic Law) tithed. Gen.14:20, Heb. 7:2.


If our heart is right with Him, we will tithe according to His instructions and hopefully have a heart to give free will offerings above that. He loves a cheerful giver and considers those who don't tithe as robbing Him.


100% Tax Deductible  

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vehicles, trailers, boats, 

houses & land.

100% Tax Write Off!

OUR STORY: The Fatherless and Widows ministry officially incorporated in 2012, has functioned in Israel and began its operations on the Mississippi Gulf Coast in 2014. The origins of the ministry are founded on a Bible verse that states “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction…” James 1:27. This Bible verse has its own roots digging deep into the pages of scripture showing God’s special encouragements and warnings pertaining to the manner in which we treat and care for fatherless and widows. One might think that more Christian ministries around the world would be called “Fatherless and Widows” than any other name because that is the very definition of “pure religion”, with the inclusion of the rest of that verse “…to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”


We are aware that there are some widows organizations and orphanages around the country/world, but until the creation of this organization, the founder had never seen one titled “Fatherless and Widows”, a direct name straight out of the pages of the Bible that The Creator Himself labeled as true and undefiled religion - a good religion. All through the Bible, fatherless and widows are found together. There are many areas of biblical instruction on how to treat both fatherless and widows and they are almost always found together. This name (Fatherless and Widows) and ministry remained on the founders’ heart for over 15 years until the harvest of 2012, while on the Mountain of Blessing in Israel, he felt a release to get this ministry started.

The organization’s mission is to serve widows, and also children who do not have an active father figure in their lives. The mission of the ministry is to listen to the needs of the fatherless and widows in our community & beyond and respond with practical help that comes from a place in the heart. A priority system is in place. Services may be provided on the basis of need and may be adapted to the needs of the individual. Services for the fatherless may include but are not limited to mentoring, field trips such as career and agricultural tours, educational classes, special events and activities. In addition to educational activities, widows’ services may include anything from a simple phone call or visit on a regular basis to more specific needs like fixing a toilet or helping with an electrical problem. We have a long list of widows to call prior to an incoming hurricane, freeze warnings+ to help to ensure that their needs are taken care of, i.e., transportation, a place to stay, yard clean up, windows taped/covered, etc.. Following up after hurricanes has occurred for those who have needed yard clean up or other necessities. 


We expect that the doors will continue to open in the process of responding to needs and with volunteers who have creative ideas in how to serve in a fun, positive and rewarding way. The Fatherless and Widows organization is thankful to the following organizations for having received positive advice, helpful interventions, beneficial partnerships; Woodmen for America, the VFW, Papa John's, Winn Dixie, Froogles, RSVP/Mag Holland, Meals on Wheels, Center for Battered Women, Battered Women's Shelter, Center for Non-Violence, Hope Haven, Disability Connection, The Salvation Army, The Humane Society, Gospel Singers of America, Keesler Federal Credit Union, Youth for Christ, Tuesday Mornings, 1213 Jewelry, HaYovel and many more. We thankful for volunteers such as Becky Ritch, Deb Cummings, Larry Strohm, Janie O'Keefe, The entire O'Keefe family, Linda Hillman, Barb Gaines, Peggy Johnson, Janie Kilgore, Takoda Britton, Kimber Dawson, Tim & Heidi Jackson, Tamara Tisdale and many others for your encouragement, love, time and effort in helping The Lord's ministry to be a success.

Fatherless and Widows ministry currently operates as an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are 100% tax deductible.

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 77

Long Beach, MS 39560


To Support this ministry online through a service that has zero admin fees, please use this link:

Thank You!



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PLEASE Use the facebook page icon/link (above) to like & follow our daily/weekly activities. Includes pictures, videos and updates.


Psalm 146:9 The LORD preserves the strangers; he relieves the fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked he turns upside down.


Isaiah 1:17 Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.

Deut 26:12 God commanded a tithe every 3rd year for the fatherless and widows.


Before "The Law", Abraham tithed, before Abraham, Noah tithed, before Noah, Abel tithed.


Tithing is expected.

James 4:17 one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.

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Please share & make copies for Bible study +. 

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23 Volume Set





Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 are ready (Below). As volumes are completed, you may download them below for FREE. We do ask for a $5 donation per volume (Donate Link above); if you cannot afford that, we understand. Please do not edit the material and give proper credit if sharing/re-posting. Thank you.

Volume 1

Is the Bible True?

(Edited/Updated 2.5.19)

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Volume 2

Wha​t is Sin?

(Edited/Updated 2.05.19)

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Volume 3


(Edited/Updated 2.05.19)

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Volume 4

Why Follow Holiness?

(Edited/Updated 2.05.19)

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Volume 5

What is important to God?

(Edited/Updated 2.05.19)

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Volume 6

What Bible version should I use?

(Edited/Updated 3.23.19)

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Volume 7


What the Bible Sayss

(Coming Soon)


Volume 8

How to Overcome Temptation

(Coming Soon)


Volume 9

Spiritual Tools – Most Needed and How to Use Them

(Coming Soon)


Volume 10

Physical Tools – 

Most Needed and 

How to Use Them

(Coming Soon)


Volume 11


Volume 12


Volume 13


Volume 14


Volume 15


Volume 16


Volume 17


Volume 18


Volume 19


Volume 19


Volume 16

Volume 16

Volume 16

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Our Father's Heart

We desire to seek Him and do His will in this ministry.

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International Message

We meet local needs with a vision of reaching internationally. So far, we have supported 7 orphanages outside of the United States.

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Events & Services

We plan events, meetings & gatherings for widows and children.

How You Can Help


1. PRAYER. We need a Prayer Team Coordinator and those willing to pray for this ministry.


2. FAITHFUL FRIEND - Become a Faithful Friend of Fatherless & Widows


3. DONATE. There are at least 8 ways to donate to our Heavenly Father through this ministry:


a. DONATE BUTTON (above)


b. MAIL: Send cash, check or money order to: PO Box 77, Long Beach, MS 39560


c. GIVE merchandise




e. SATELLITE SUPPORTER - Become one, i.e., online support, working from your home


f. VOLUNTEER - Assist in the preparation, promotion, and hands-on sharing of love at our meetings &

events, help in the office, make phone calls, &/or assist with computer/online needs locally or as a satellite.


g. EDUCATE & PROMOTE: Order our brochure & Order from our New Online Store


h. SPREAD AWARENESS – Go to our Facebook page to like and share our page with your friends to spread

awareness and encourage others to support our Heavenly Father's Ministry!

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